The STP&I’s module assembly work for Ichthys Onshore LNG Facilities Project is progressing as planned with significant progress at every facility.
The structural steel and piping fabrication at Chonburi Shop, Rayong Shop and Sriracha Shop achieved over 50% progress. Most of the fabricated structural steel and fabricated pipe have been delivered to Laem Chabang Yard for assembling to module.
At STP&I’s Laem Chabang Yard, the module assembly has commenced for several months with over 15% progress achievement.
Currently, STP&I employ more than 10,000 people to work in this project at the four facilities and may increase manpower to 12,000 people at the peak period during the next 3-4 months.
Up to the end of May 2014, STP&I’s Ichthys project team has worked over 20 million work hours without Lost-Time Injury.