Management Executive

Mr. Masthawin Charnvirakul
Director and Managing Director

Mr. Choavalit Limpanich
Director/Deputy Managing Director

LT. JG. Kitti Junsangsri
Marketing & Estimation Department Manager

Mr. Thammanoon Narind
Fabrication Plants Department Manager (Chonburi and Sriracha)

Mrs. Atitaya Charnvirakul
Administrative Department Managerand Corporate Secretary

Ms. Supattra Yangtrong
Finance & Accounting Department Manager

Mrs. Anilrat Nitisaroj
Business Development & Legal Department Manager

Mr. Supot Poungtong
Fabrication Department Manager (Rayong & Leamchabang Assembly Yard)

Mr. Tawan Chaisomtip
Project Control & Contract Administrative Department Manager