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- Create Date 9 May 2018
- Last Updated 9 May 2018
STP&I Annual Report 2013
STP&I has delivered projects successfully and as committed by the Company. Regarding the module export project for the LNG Onshore Facilities, which is the largest project ever undertaken by the Company, the work has progressed well in the preparation of engineering drawings and procurement of materials etc. Moreover, in 2013 we have focused on active recruitment, production area expansion, investment in necessary tools and machinery, and increasing the size of working team, both at the engineer level and skilled labor level, in order to be prepared for this important project. In addition, we will constantly dedicate our efforts and abilities to accomplish all operations in accordance with the Company’s goals and objectives. The most important issue is work safety of which we are proud in that the Company has been able to maintain the statistics of zero loss time injury throughout the operation of the previous year up to the date of this report.